Southfleet Allotments
Welcome to Southfleet Allotments!
We are a friendly, community run site, with 24 plots, many of which are divided into smaller sections to allow more people to enjoy growing their own fruit, vegetables and flowers.
Annual rent is £20 per full plot, £10 for half a plot and just £5 for smaller sections, plus £3.50 per year National Allotment Society Membership.
All plots have access to water, but the pipeline is turned off during the winter to prevent damage caused by freezing.
What can you grow?
We have a diverse group of plot holders growing a wide range of crops from all over the world. All the usual vegetables grow well, from carrots, potatoes and brassicas to tomatoes, runner beans and sweetcorn. We also have gardeners growing sweet potatoes, white maize and methi, ginger, loofah and edamame beans. Raspberries grow particularly well, as do blackberries, which seem to grow whether you want them or not! We are also treated to a beautiful array of flowers throughout the year, so there is always something new to see and gain inspiration from!