About Us
The allotments in Southfleet run along the public footpath from Hook Green Road to Red Street. They are managed and maintained by the Southfleet Allotment Society, which was formed in October 2019, but there have been allotments at this location since before World War 2. The Society is run by a committee made up of volunteers who all have plots on site. The land is owned by North Kent Farms.
Following a huge clean up operation carried out by the plot holders at the end of 2019, the lower end of the site was ploughed and harrowed.
In May 2020, following the successful application for a grant from Dartford Borough Council, enabled us to lay a water pipeline through the centre of the site. All plot holders again came together to dig a metre deep trench the length of the site into which the pipeline was laid. This gave access to water for every plot holder, with a tap no further than 2 plots over for everyone.
By the end of October 2020 we had 100% occupancy, no doubt thanks to the extensive clearing work and the covid lockdown.
In 2021, the community orchard was planted at the Red Street end of the site. We began to clear the White Poplars on the field edge of the site, because they were prone to limb drop, posing a threat to allotment holders. The remaining Poplars were removed in March 2022.
In June 2023 the very potholed and weed covered allotment footpath was recovered, thanks to a generous donation by the Parish Council.
August 2024 the Committee held it's first Allotment event which enabled all plot holders to view and vote for the best plot on site, with garden centre vouchers for the winners.
The site remains highly active and is wonderful to see - with its calming vista of farm fields and open skies it is always worth a walk down the allotment footpath!
Ploughing early 2020
The pipeline is installed 2020
The pipeline trench
2020 - full occupancy!
Potato Blight 2021
Storm Eunice damage February 2022
March 2022 Poplars successfully removed!
2022 Heatwave caused issues with some crops
Heavy Snow December 2022
The newly recovered footpath, June 2023
Bees on a Sunflower August 2023
Giant pumpkins September 2023
The Committee
All our committee members are plot holders and are happy to chat about anything allotment related!
Sarah Wickings
"I work my allotment plot with my mum and son. We love that it is somewhere we can all work together to a shared goal (my son's goal is always giant pumpkins and more runner beans!). I really enjoy building things for our plot out of pallets and planning where everything will go each year."
Paul Bromley
Paul is fanatical about keeping his allotment tidy and focuses hard on maintaining the grass between the beds. He says "it is very satisfying to see our plot looking good and it really keeps the weeds at bay if you mow on a regular basis".
Adele Bromley
Adele spends her time growing chillies, tomatoes and beans in her cold frame from seed and then transferring to the allotment whilst planting potatoes, carrots, sprouts, and parsnips directly in to the beds. She also has a fruit bed and a herb bed that produces an array of produce throughout the year.
Sue & Dermot O'Connor
Committee Members
Sue Says "We’ve had an allotment for 37 years and it’s been a really enjoyable escape for me. I’ve tried growing nearly every vegetable available sometimes with success, sometimes not! My tip to pass on is “little and often”. Keep hoeing and don’t let weeds develop seeds as they germinate better than the vegetables, sadly."
Philip Painter
Committee Member
"I have held an allotment for around 12 years. Love fresh tomatoes and cucumber and all of the summer fruits. I hate Nettles!"
How to find us
The allotments in Southfleet run along the public footpath from Hook Green Road to Red Street. They are accessible on foot from Hook Green Road and Red Street via the footpath. There is a small lay-by in Rectory Meadow which is suitable for parking.