News & Announcements

Newsletter WINTER 2024-pages-deleted-compressed.pdf

Winter 2024/25 Newsletter

The Winter Newsletter Outlines new guidelines for allotment building sizes with ideas for securing them during storms and thanks those who took part in the clean up and manure digging days.


November 2024

A site wide tidy was carried out, with a brilliant team of volunteers removing all the plastic and rubbish from the site for the council to remove and assisting some plot holders with weed clearance and the covering up of plots for the winter.  A team of allotment holders visited New Barn Stables on a manure digging trip.  Everyone worked extremely hard to dig, ferry and dump a trailer load of the black gold for use on the allotments.  High winds at the end of the month sadly destroyed a brand new greenhouse and wrought havoc across the site, causing lots of damage to structures.

August 2024

We held our first allotment get together, enabling plot holders to meet in the community area on site, chat about what we were growing and explore the site to see what everyone else was doing with their plots.  We had a lovely afternoon, and voted on the best plot on site and best new plot.  The winners received a £50 gift voucher for the garden centre.

April 2024

At the end of 2023, the Society applied for a grant from Harmony Energy Limited, the company behind the Broadditch Battery Energy Storage System.  We were lucky enough to be awarded a small grant in April.  Though it wasn't enough to complete the plans we had for the site, the money will definitely be useful and we are currently discussing options for how to best use it.

Documents and downloads

Newsletter AUTUMN 2024.pdf

Autumn 2024 Newsletter

The Autumn Newsletter discusses plans for a site wide tidy, manure collection, and a recipe for the bountiful butternut squash harvest.

Allotment AGM 30th September 2024.pdf

Annual General Meeting September 2024

This years' AGM was held at Southfleet Village Hall on Monday 30th September at 6.30pm. There was a good turnout and we all enjoyed cake.  Some jam made from apples from the community orchard was sold.  Please click on the document to the left to read the minutes from the meeting.

Best Plot Awards 2024.pdf

August 2024 Allotment Get Together

An Afternoon to sit together and discuss our plots, walk the site and see what each other was growing and vote on the best plot and best new plot on site. 

Newsletter SUMMER 2024.pdf

Newsletter Summer 2024

Newsletter SPRING 2024.pdf

Newsletter Spring 2024